Wales, the Zoo and offending people at the pottery place!

Wales, the Zoo and offending people at the pottery place!

Hi guys, 

Happy June, the official start to the summer has been and gone and I feel like summer has gone too because as I write this I'm sat looking outside at yet MORE rain!

Anyway, let's not start too depressing, I have just had my nails done and I've gone bright pink, a girl can wish the sun is shining and she is off to Ibiza can't she! I hope you all had a nice half term, well the parents out there that is. Ours peaked too soon with a fabulous trip to Wales with our fiends and their two little boys. They are younger than mine and the kids were all just gorgeous, it was obvious to see that my two would die for a baby brother or sister but I think I would literally die or end up in an asylum so that's not to be, although I was extremely broody. We had such a laugh, the place was cheap and cheerful, I won't go into too much detail or name any specific locations incase I offend any potential customers reading this but its safe to say we probably won't revisit that area in North Wales next year, we are planning to visit the Lakes instead!

After our lovely bank holiday weekend and the novelty of being round each other 24/7 wore off the fighting started, mainly the kids bickering but a little bit of me too! ;) We went to see IF at the cinema, gorgeous film, had me in tears. Also an absolute brucey bonus, the card machine crashed while I was paying for all the goodies so she didn't charge me again and it didn't go through! Just a shame that it was probably the cheapest trip to the cinema we have done in 5 years! A loud but fun visit to Pizza Express with our friends followed the next day by a day at the Zoo with 6 kids, they seemed to want to fit in so much they sounded like a load of screaming monkeys all day! Great fun had by all but its safe to say me and the other 3 mums had banging headaches by the time we left, especially as the last resort of trying to get in the soft play failed and the kids didn't take it too well.

I finally got my much deserved silence the following day, both kids went to camp and I went to work at my Dad's lots of market prep for Warwick last Saturday. Stuff everywhere, my head everywhere but I squeezed 12+ hours work into 6 with a quick visit back on Friday morning with my little helper. 

You have to love the spirit of child's desire to "help" but let's be honest, it's really not helpful, especially if you are a massive control freak like me. To be fair Georgie was my left hand little lady for a couple of jobs but then she decided to start throwing some of her own "sparkle" in and well lets just say those didn't make it to the stall and will be redone for this weekend! We spent the afternoon at the cutest pottery painting place local to us. 3 mums, 3 girls, a small venue and a family who didn't appreciate noise, I'm not even sure if her children spoke the whole time we were there. A few judgy looks, woah betide our children laugh and talk I mean it was definitely not the zoo level of volume! My friend took a picture of them and the lovely "polite" lady said "I think you've got it" she didn't appreciate a peace pose with a pottery penguin!

Saturday was market day, up and out by 6:40am at Warwick for 7:30 and by 11am it felt like I should be having dinner! A great day, I met some amazing small businesses, some real characters and I'm sure there is scope for a sitcom in this "Market" scenario because I tell you there is nowt as queer as folk and I bloody love it! I love talking to people, I'll talk to anyone and everyone I find people so interesting. I didn't make as much money at Warwick as my first one at Solihull so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed but then again I would have been really happy if that had been my first market, I think I set my expectations too high after Solihull. It's Coombe Abbey this weekend so we will see what that brings, I guess I have to try all these different places to see what works for me and what doesn't. Warwick had some amazing food stalls. I was next to the most fabulous Swedish lady who was straight talking and hilarious, amazing at what she does and someone I would quite like to go out for dinner with she had lots of stories and brilliant opinions, she also thought that me and Dan looked alike...I mean I'll take it minus the big nose!

And then the week was over well apart from Sunday, a football match one side of Birmingham, a party straight after in Coventry that we had to leave early to go to a party in Solihull, these kids have a better social life than me. So much that me and some mum friends have decided to do a pottery painting evening at the lovely place we visited, I just hope the boring mum isn't there because there will be some serious judgement listening to me and my rabble drink Prosecco and paint plates!

Have a great week all, I've noticed I've typed quite a lot haven't I! I've just typed away and it may be waffle or it may be something you've enjoyed reading. Let me know because I want this blog to be something you guys like to read and are interested in so I'm open to suggestions if quite simply you don't want to hear this much about my little life!

Big love & bear hugs 



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