A little bit of a tribute to my big brother for completing the London Marathon yesterday. Paul was the long distance runner at school, he was the footballer (I stood and ate snacks every Sunday on the sidelines) he was a good all rounder in sports, I was probably just a little bit round! I did however represent the netball team in primary school only to get told I wasn’t aggressive enough, if only Miss Mason knew me now!
Paul has ran 2 marathons before but the London marathon hits different and running it for a charity with the responsibility of raising at least £2k for them weighs differently too. Paul took this very seriously he has trained and trained and trained! Paul would be happy for me to say that running and exercise is his solace, it always has been, he’s got a hangover he goes for a run (who does that) he is stressed he goes for a run, he is grieving he goes for a run. To be honest exercise does have the same effect on me it’s like taking a pill that puts you in a good mood I’m just not as “get up and go” with the exercise like Paul and I can’t run! Ironically I’m typing this as I’m on a treadmill…walking!
Paul completed the race in a time that he wanted to be better, I mean who beats themselves up about just finishing 26 miles of torturous running? Paul! He said afterwards he never ever walks or has to but at mile 16 something happened and he had to because of the pain, he told me he thought of our mum, the pain she went through before she passed and kept going. I knew she would be with him in spirit!
I am beyond proud of my brother, the past nine months have been the most painful and hardest our family has had to endure and we have endured a fair few events! He used mums strength through her legacy and the strength in his legs and has so far managed to raise just over £2.5k for children living with cancer.
We went down to support him, I couldn’t wait to shout his name, give him the encouragement that may have been needed but it was not meant to be, we missed him at two places and he was finished, mums spirit did the job for me.
However we did get to congratulate him in Waterloo station before we all made our journeys home. I greeted him with a cold can of Fosters, a packet of cheese and onion mccoys and a Yorkie. 2 out of those 3 were childhood faves, I’ll let you work out which ones.
Well done Pauly, you are my hero!
If you would like to donate to this amazing cause use this link and donate.
A wish for your week ahead;
Some weeks feel like marathons, others like sprints,
Some filled with so much goodness, others maybe just a hint
Still we keep on going don’t we,
Doesn’t mean it’s easy we just don’t know how else to be
If this one feels like a marathon and some days feel more like a struggle
Search for that small piece of goodness and maybe even a chuckle
Don’t forget that not everyday is good but there is good in everyday
I hope this week is kind to you and this bloody rain goes away!