Happy Monday guys!
Not that it's motivational Monday kind of day or start to the week, let's be honest this weather is bloody horrible and it makes you feel a bit meh doesn't it? Well it does for me. So let's bring some sunshine to this rainy day and tell you about the most beautiful Saturday.
It was all about the birthday parties this weekend, a sleepover for my eldest on Friday night, the cutest baking party on Saturday morning for one of my youngest's friends and then Ralph's 6th birthday party.
Ralph? Whose Ralph? Well if you haven't followed me for a long time or maybe you might have, but missed it; for the months of April, May and June I donated 50% of the sales of the "Brave range" to the Medan Family Foundation in honour of Ralph. Ralph is my youngest's friend, and his Mummy is my good friend too.
Ralph has Lennox-Gastaut Syndome, a severe and rare form of epilepsy. But here's an update for you all...on Friday he turned 6 and on Saturday we celebrated his birthday but not only that but also 150 days of being seizure free (this gives me goose bumps just typing this).
It's safe to say Ralph's Mum, Dad and the rest of the family weren't sure they would ever see one seizure free day never mind 150 days! Ralph and his family have been through so much over the last 2 years, they would agree with me when I say it's been a time no-one should ever have to go through or watch their child go through but they have and they have been the most amazing and inspiring people.
A positive mind set goes a long way but dark, very dark moments sometimes have you asking yourself and others whether it will get better but one thing that never went away was "hope". They held onto that hope all the way through this journey and they held on to each other, and probably held each other up too at times.
As their friend I keep asking, how? How has Ralph's life changed? How has this miracle happened? Ralph was running all over the place on Saturday, he was jumping, climbing, all sorts and then we rewind and he was in a wheel chair sometimes because walking was just too much, it wasn't possible.
No-one has the answers, it's not that simple but everyone is counting every single blessing, every single day and if I was ever going to be convinced a miracle can happen well Ralph is it.
Ralph's party was filled with love, laughter, silliness and a few drinks! I'm not sure ff the bouncy castle slide survived after 6 or so Mum's climbing up it and then us all going down together, there was so much joy in the air and to see his family able to relax and simply enjoy life was the best.
Ralph and his family don't know what the future brings, everything is new, changing and they don't take anything for granted. I guess there are so many lessons in life, we question so much and sometimes we don't have the answers.
Just never lose hope ❤️
Big love & bear hugs