Happy Monday guys! It’s the evening now so Monday is nearly over and done with, I hope yours was good, mine consisted of catching up with orders, tidying up after market day and making some bespoke bracelets for a beautiful bride and her hens. I will be able to post about it once she has returned because they are a top secret gift for her, well semi top secret, she knows she is getting them she just doesn’t know the design! The bride is a fabulous friend of mine and I couldn’t make her UK hen doo so wanted to be able to be part of it all still. I’ve done a bespoke bracelet for her and her 12 hens, can’t wait to see the group photo! My afternoon involved a play date with 6 kids, yep I am insane after a weekend of barely any sleep but to be fair they were as good as gold!
The last week was full on, lots of plates spinning and feeling like they are all going to fall and smash everywhere at the same time! I’m admin for my sons football team and me and the manager pulled together their end of season doo with no budget and little time, how? You ask, well put me under pressure watch me crumble but I’ll always deliver the goods!
Last week I was getting ready for the Coombe Abbey market too, it was next to the food festival that was immense, did nothing for the diet though. A Bakewell blondie for brekkie, a pulled pork bap for lunch followed by churros and chocolate. There is me complaining about my holiday body and I’m shoving my face with food. Rach (a bessie of mine) accompanied me yesterday, she did my first market with me, got the taste of market life and bloody loves it! Just like me, we love meeting all different kinds of people and seeing what other businesses there are. We both spent a pretty penny yesterday on hair accessories and girly things for our little ones. Me and Rach had a quick debrief this morn and she said you could write a book about all this;“Confessions of a market trader” I told her I’ve already started working on the sitcom! 😂
We freezed our feet off yesterday, me literally for being so stupid to wear Birkenstocks all day, we were in a wind tunnel in the shade. The sun played with us all day getting closer and closer I thought it might take over when we packed up but no just some rain instead!
A much needed good nights sleep was required last night, we thought our cat Bobby was out because he didn’t appear when we called him then I felt his wet nose nudge my face at 4:30am, of course I can’t have a good nights sleep, I’m a mum of course I shouldn’t have undisturbed sleep, if it’s not the kids it’s the cat!
It’s an early night for me tonight, well the devil is telling me to catch up on Love Island (a very guilty pleasure of mine) but then I’m like I will be drawn in and then won’t be able to miss one night. I know Joey Essex has gone in there….WHY?! He’s bloody 30 odd now and worth a mint surely, why is he going in there playing truth and dare with a load of wannabes?! Think I’ve just talked myself out of watching that!
Right then guys I hope you have a great week, I’m going a market in Manchestooooor on 23rd June so it’s all prep for that now and another plate spinning week no doubt!
Remember be kind, always.
Big love & bear hugs